It takes up a lot of space just to keep your music files on your computer in the normal way. We would like you to consider this fact that,‘The Encyclopedia Britannica’ can fit on two CDs, yet a CD can usually only contain around an hour’s worth of music (maybe a dozen or tons of songs).
That implies that a single track on a typical CD would occupy a significant amount of space—the equivalent of one or two encyclopedia volumes! MP3 is a mathematical technique that compresses the same amount of audio data into a fraction of the time and space. You can compress MP3 files to make them smaller or bigger, but the more you compress them, the poorer the sound will be. MP3 uses lossy compression, much as telegrams and JPGs do according to research.
Frames are the unit of storage used by MP3 files to contain music as lengthy strings of bits (binary integers, 0s and 1s). First, there’s a brief header, followed by the music data itself (like a table of contents).
An “index card” at the beginning of an MP3 file contains information about the track, artist, genre, and so on. These bits of data are referred to as metadata, and they’re all saved in a little file called an ID3 tag. ‘Edit the ID3 tags’ is an option in several MP3 players.
Changing the “index card” at the beginning of an MP3 file seems complicated, but it’s really very simple. However, because of the various new and advance feature, it has become easier to choose song warehouse (gudang lagu) by users.
One of the best things about MP3s is how little space they take up. When you convert a CD track to MP3, it only takes up approximately 60 megabytes, while a normal music file takes up about five megabytes.
What ways an MP3 file stores music?